Other Names: 世界尽头的圣骑士, 最果てのパラディン, Saihate no Paladin, 最果てのパラディン, Saihate No Paladin, 最果てのパラディン, Saihate No Paladin
Authors: YANAGINO Kanata
Status: OnGoing
かつて滅びた死者の街。そこには豪快な骸骨の剣士、ブラッド。淑やかな神官ミイラ、マリー。偏屈な魔法使いの幽霊、ガスに育てられる少年ウィルがいた。死者の街に秘められた謎。神々の愛と慈悲。偏執と狂気。その全てを知る時、少年は聖騎士への道を歩みだす。 William is the lone human in a city of the dead. Born with vague memories of a past life and raised by a group of undead, William must discover what circumstances brought him to this city and these people as well as what it means to not just exist, but to live a full life.
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